Jovanni Godina Jovanni Godina

Preparing for your headshot photoshoot! "Relax!" (part 5 of 7)

Headshot photographer tips on how to relax

Take a deep breathe in! Hold for a second. Now release your breathe slowly. Do this two more times in a nice gentle way. 

See wasn't that easy. Do you feel a little more relaxed? You do? Perfect, so do I! Today I want to talk briefly about how to relax before, during and even after a headshot photoshoot. As a headshot photographer I've seen the gambit of customers who are totally and fully calm, comfortable and relaxed in front of the camera. Then I've seen customers that are slightly shaking, showing signs of tension and have trouble concentrating. My goal is to get the latter to be like the former. Here are a few tips and tricks I've found to help. 


  1. First and foremost I talk to whomever is in front of the camera as if there were no camera. I find having a simple conversation distracts people from their photo anxiety. Plus it's a great way to get to know them better and it makes the shoot more fun for both of us. 
  2. Breath - If #1 doesn't work I'll try some of the following. Having someone take a long deep breath and hold for a brief moment, then slowly release. I'll have them do this a 3 or 4 times. This also works great for anything that might be stressing you out in life. 
  3. Often I like to get people to visualize what characteristic they want their viewers to see in them. Do they want to be confident, trustworthy, approachable, likable or any other characteristic they can think of. Once they know what they want I have them close their eyes and focus on what makes them feel like they are confident, trustworthy, approachable, likable etc. Once you take the focus off of them being in front of the camera and turn the focus on feeling their chosen characteristic, all anxiety or nervousness goes away. 
  4. In a rare case where someone still is not relaxed I pull out the big guns. TEQUILA!!! No, I'm only playing. Unless they are up for it. 

So just remember even though your headshot image itself is important to you and your brand, the act of getting your headshot taken is not a big deal at all and is nothing to worry about. Go into your headshot session with a great attitude knowing you will get the best headshot of your life and you will every time. 

If you have any tips or tricks that help you relax I would love to read them in the comments. 

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Jovanni Godina Jovanni Godina

Preparing for your headshot photoshoot: "Hair & Makeup" (part 4 of 7)

Headshot photographer tips on hair and makeup

Hello and welcome to the 4th installment of "Preparing for your headshot photoshoot." Today's topic is hair and makeup. While this mainly focuses on women there are a few tips for the fellas at the bottom. That being said lets get started. Ladies you may be asking "Why should I get a professional to do my hair and makeup? I already know how to do it. Plus it's just a headshot." That's a great question. There are a few great reasons. 

  1. A good makeup artist knows how to enhance your best features and minimize anything else. Making you look your best.
  2. Hairstylists know how to make your hair look healthy and natural at all angles without it being over done. No more flat, dull, or bad hair day
  3. Makeup artists know how to apply makeup specifically for photographs. This means they know where to give your face more definition. Where to lighten. Where to smooth. Making it so that you look good from any angle. This also helps to create a more dimension since the camera flattens its subject.
  4.  Hairstylists know the best look for your hair type and face shape. Whether you have a long, round, oval, square, heart or diamond shaped face they know what works best. 
  5. Makeup artists and Hairstylists use professional equipment. This helps guarantee a great final product that will last the entire shoot. Every day hair and makeup products a great for EVERYDAY use but sometimes don't last in a photoshoot type setting. Remember the camera freezes the moment, meaning we see every last detail. Details like the mascara clumps, eyeliner smudges to foundation lines under the jawline and more.
  6. Professional makeup will help reduce hot/oily spots. Sometimes it gets hot and you may start to perspire or some people might have naturally oily skin. When the flash goes off this creates a hotspot in the photo. Making it a not very flattering photo.
  7. Both can help maintain the hair and makeup throughout the photoshoot. This helps keep retouching to a minimum. 

These are but a few reasons why you should consider a hair and makeup artist. You still might be wondering why you would need this for a headshot. Think of it this way. Your headshot is not just your headshot. It is your personal brand. It say more about you in less time it takes someone to read your bio. Whether you work for a fortune 500 company or you own your own business or any where in between, the image is of you and your brand. You always want to make sure you are putting your best digital foot forward when it comes to your image and personal brand. Having a professional hair and makeup artist does all that and more. The benefits will definitely out way any cost.

As promised gentlemen! Brace yourselves! Nah, just kidding. Although you may not need a hair and makeup artist you do need to make sure you are well groomed. Meaning if you decide to get a haircut get it a week or so before your shoot not the day before. This helps insure that you wont have a bad hair day the day of the shoot. Also maintain your beard if you have one. Make sure that it is trimmed and looking proper. If you are clean cut make sure there is no five o'clock shadow. You want to be looking your best not like you just walked out of the forest

And that is it. Enjoy the rest of your day!

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Jovanni Godina Jovanni Godina

Preparing for you Headshot photoshoot: "Sleep" (part 3 of 7)

How sleep affects your headshot photoshoot. 

You might be wondering what sleep has to do with you getting your headshot taken. Well, a lot actually. Sleep has a huge impact on our daily lives. It affects many things; such as our appearance, our memory, our attitude, our awareness of our surroundings, our longevity of life, inflammation, our creativity, daily task performance, our focus, weight loss/gain, our stress and more. When we talk about sleep in association with headshot's the main topics I am concerned about are attitude, appearance, focus, and stress. These four things can and will greatly influence the outcome of your photoshoot. 

  1. If you are lacking a goodnights sleep it maybe hard for you to go into your photoshoot with a great attitude and a good level of energy. (If you haven't yet read the post on attitude and its importance for your headshot please read it here.)
  2. Not enough good quality sleep greatly affects our appearance. It can leave our faces looking warn and tired. Mainly showing in our eyes. Most people will have dark circles, puffiness or "bags" and/or redness of the eyes.
  3. Lack of good quality of sleep greatly diminishes your ability to focus on the task at hand. Which is making sure, with coaching we get the best possible angles and lighting of you. This makes it so that we are telling the right story of your brand.
  4. If the first three are not enough reason for you to get a good nights rest then this fourth one should. Stress! We all have it but we can greatly lessen the amount of stress we have with a night of quality sleep. Stress is easily reflected and magnified in the camera. It shows in our eyes as well as in the tension in our lips and eyebrows. 

Now that we know what we want to stay away from how do we get a great night of quality sleep? Below is the Mayo Clinic's "Sleep tips: 7 steps to better sleep."

  1. "Stick to a sleep schedule - Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends, holidays and days off."

  2. "Pay attention to what you eat and drink - Don't go to bed either hungry or stuffed."

  3. "Create a bedtime ritual - Do the same things each night to tell your body it's time to wind down."

  4. "Get comfortable - Create a room that's ideal for sleeping. Often, this means cool, dark and quiet."

  5. "Limit daytime naps - Long daytime naps can interfere with nighttime sleep — especially if you're struggling with insomnia or poor sleep quality at night."

  6. "Include physical activity in your daily routine - Regular physical activity can promote better sleep, helping you to fall asleep faster and to enjoy deeper sleep."

  7. "Manage stress - When you have too much to do — and too much to think about — your sleep is likely to suffer."

*all 7 steps come from this Mayo Clinic article.

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Jovanni Godina Jovanni Godina

Preparing for your headshot photoshoot! "Clothing!" (part 2 of 7)

What to wear when preparing for your headshot.


So what do you wear when you are getting your headshot taken? This is a very important aspect in the grand process of preparing for your headshot photoshoot. Choosing the right colors, style, and feel can have YOU popping off the screen, looking healthy and energetic. Choosing the wrong colors, style or feel can make your CLOTHES pop out making you a second thought, or make you look washed out or uneven. Since my knowledge of clothing, style and color goes so far I reached to a professional that I know to ask her a few questions. Mary Lou Manlove is an Image Con­sul­tant and Color Spe­cial­ist. She helps women and men find and hone their personal style. Making sure you know what colors look and work best with your skin tone, hair color, eye color and more. Do you have a shirt, pair of pants, accessory or anything else; when you put it on you know you look and feel damn good? Well, Mary Lou makes sure all the clothes you have in your closet make you feel that way. So I asked Mary Lou for some pointers for people that haven't had a chance to use her services yet. (if you haven't yet check out her website and schedule a meeting with her now!) 


Alright no more lolly gagging lets get to it. 


Me:  What is the first thing someone should consider when choosing an outfit for a professional portrait?

Mary Lou: My first consideration is where the picture is being used? The background and what the person is wearing needs to coordinate with the website colors, business card logo, or the wall on which a portrait hangs. Consider the end use first and work backwards from there. So if you are picking colors for your website or brand, consider colors that look good on you both in your clothes, logo and any background. Get your colors done.

Secondly, I want the person to show up in the best light possible. So wearing             medium value colors helps the photographer balance the light. Your best medium value color will come from one of the colors in your eyes, if you want to look approachable and engaging. Color can really change the feel of a photograph, so deciding the effect you want to have is the first step, is it formal, friendly, accomplished, casual and then pick the color(s).

Me: Are there certain things people should stay away from?

Mary Lou: Stay away from colors that turn you gray or wash you out. Pick colors that make your skin glow and eyes sparkle. Remember it is not about fashion or what is in style; it is about the colors that support your natural coloring.

Me: How does someone know that their colors are right for them?

Mary Lou: When you wear colors that are right for you people will engage with you, complement you and want to be around you. When you wear colors that are not right for you, people will be a little more distant. It sounds weird, but people do judge you by your cover and if the cover is pleasing to the eye, they will respond positively.

Me: How does someone know they have the right outfit?

Mary Lou: For a portrait or a headshot all you need to do is get it right from the waist up. Wear a color that brings out your eyes. Frame your face with the right neckline or collar and colors. Remove any distraction: i.e. Women should wear a sleeved top and men should not wear a white shirt whiter than the white of their eyes. And it is best not to wear white, wear a medium value color, i.e. teal, tan, peach, blue, green, etc. Then relax and trust the photographer. 

Me: What tips can you give for someone wanting to go shopping before their shoot?

Mary Lou: Shop with someone who looks like you, dresses well and gives good advice. If you cannot find that person, hire an expert who can put their personal preference aside and choose clothing that looks good on you. But you may consider taking my workshop: Mastering the Art of Illusion Dressing: A,B,C,D & E of Style

There you have it my friends. Before meeting Mary Lou I didn't know why I was really drawn to certain clothing and why I always circulated a handful of shirts and pants that I own. Once she created my color wheel I soon found out. Mary Lou is amazing at what she does.

If you would like to know more about Mary Lou and what she can do for you please checkout her website She would also be more than happy to answer any questions on dressing for a portrait with a complementary 30 minute consultation. You can reach her via text 650 400 2230 or e-mail:

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Jovanni Godina Jovanni Godina

Preparing for your headshot photoshoot! "Attitude!" (part 1 of 7)

Preparing for your headshot! Choosing the right attitude. Simple guide on thinking positive.


You may be asking what does my attitude have to do with me getting my photo taken by an awesome photographer? First, thank you for thinking I am an awesome photographer. Second, EVERYTHING! The below quote sums up how important our thoughts and therefor our attitude is.  

“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

-Frank Outlaw


If you are not sure of my 7 recommendations for preparing for your headshot please click here to review the list. Then come right back! You don't want to miss anything. 

Now that we know the impact of our attitude how do we go about changing it for the better? Again a great question! The following list is not my own but rather parts of other lists that I like and agree with. These are just ideas to get yourself in a positive thinkings state of mind and may not be for everyone. But they are a great starting point. (Click the bold and italic links for the original articles)

  1. Start in the right direction. - Start your day with positive energy/affirmations. Say things like "Today is going to be a great day!" or "I'm going to look and feel my best today." It's as simple as that.

  2. Use the right words. - Stay away from saying things like: "I don't look good in photos." or "I'm awkward in photos." replace it with "I look damn good in photos!" or "I always look confident in photos." Remember the quote from above. "watch your words, they become actions;"

  3. Believe that you are able to change. - Know without a shadow of a doubt that you can and are able to change your thoughts. YOU and only YOU can put YOU in a great mood. Or vice versa!

  4. Forgive all who attempt to harm you. (Me: Especially yourself) - Let go of all the negative things people might have said or wrote about you. Their thoughts don't reflect who you are. More importantly let go of all the negative thoughts you have of yourself. Let go of that moment you made a fool of yourself in front of a client or boss, that you are not good enough for someone or something, or that you are not smart enough to do something. They serve you no purpose. Instead put that energy into positive thoughts focused on the great things in your life.

  5. Monitor your thoughts and substitute new ones. - When you catch yourself with a negative thought quickly change it to a positive one. If you find yourself saying "I can't do ______." or "I'm not smart enough for _____.", as soon as you realize it say "No! I can do ______." or "I am smart enough for _____." Too easy isn't it? All you have to do is try it. 

  6. Write out affirmations/Write out how you’d like to think - "When you’re training yourself to move toward new thought patterns to replace the old ones, it helps if you know in advance what the new thoughts are and should be."

  7. Help someone - (This one can be found on many lists.) Truly help someone. It doesn't have to be anything big. Help your neighbor with the trash or yard work. Open the door for someone that has their hands full even if you are not going into the same building. Helping others makes us happy.

  8. Have an attitude of gratitude - (This one can also be found on many lists.) When you appreciate all that you have in your life you realize how good you have it. Even if you are going through something truly hard look at the things you do have. It can be anything. Appreciate that you woke up this morning, that you can read, that you have internet (no matter how slow it is), that you have shelter, food in your belly. The list can go on forever. 

Well there you have it "my" list of ways to help change your attitude to be more positive. Please click on the links. Each link has even more ideas on how to change your attitude. And remember every time you get your photo taken to have an attitude that you look damn good! 


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Jovanni Godina Jovanni Godina

Why are we afraid to get in front of the camera?

Headshot photographer tips

Recently photographer Peter Hurley and psychologist Anna Rowley joined forces to create Psyphotology a study of why we are afraid of being in front of the camera. They presented their findings at TEDxCambridge. Each person on this planet doesn't like some part of their physical body. Even Ms. Universe doesn't like the way she looks. This is mind blowing to me. I believe there are a couple of things we can do to overcome this fear. As simply as it may seem

  1.  Realize that being in front of a camera is not scary. It's a time to have fun and try new things. Plus if you have a great photographer that can give you tips on how to look better in any photo then you are on your way to conquering this fear. 
  2. Learn self love. Really this should be the number one thing in anyones life. Once you can accept all of your "flaws" and truly learn to love yourself for who you are there is no need to care or be concerned with what other people might say.

Anyway that is just my two cents. Watch the video and more importantly start loving who you are today! Not just little parts of you, all of you.  

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Professional photographer Peter Hurley and psychologist Anna Rowley have devised a simple way to overcome your fear of the camera lens.
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learning Jovanni Godina learning Jovanni Godina

Preparing for your headshot photo shoot session.

How do I prepare for my headshots? Six easy to follow steps.

Many people are not sure on how to prepare for their headshot photo shoot session. Many don't even know that they should prepare for a headshot photo shoot session. In todays post I will suggest a few things to keep in mind. 

  1. A Great Attitude: Why does this matter? This matters because the way you feel and what you are thinking (i.e. "I am not photogenic." "I hate getting my picture taken." "I always look awkward." Etc.) shows in your photos. So in the days leading up to your shoot think positive thoughts. (i.e. "This will be the best photoshoot I have ever had." "I love getting my picture taken." "This will be fun. I will look my best." Etc.)
  2. Hair and makeup: For both women and men if you plan on getting your haircut it is recommend to do it a week before. So that you have time to make sure it is the way you want it. Women, commonly there are two options for you as far as makeup goes. First option is do it yourself. Second have a professional hair and makeup artist do it for you. If you choose to do it yourself you will want to make sure it still looks like you. Think of your headshot as you on your best hair and makeup day. 
  3. Sleep and Hydration: These two are very important. You want to make sure you are getting plenty of sleep in the days leading up to your shoot. This way you are energized and ready to go. Also this will help minimize bags under your eyes and redness of the eyes. Keeping hydrated in the days leading up to your shoot maintains fresh and healthy looking skin.
  4. Clothing: You want to keep in mind that a headshot is all about you and not what you are wearing. With that you will want to stay away from any distracting designs or patterns. Also stay away from flesh toned colors.
  5. Accessories: Only have accessories if you are known for them otherwise do not wear any. Same goes with eye wear. 
  6. Relax: This might be the hardest one of all. Just remember that this is not a life or death situation and that you can have some fun with it. A great photographer can have you feeling relaxed in no time. Once you are able to relax you will see that your photos will turn out ten times better. 

These are my six basic suggestions for preparing for your headshot photo session. I can't emphasize enough the importance of #1. Even if you are unable to do the rest of them make sure you have a great attitude coming into the shoot. You will see a world of difference in your outcome.  

If you have any question or suggestion please leave a comment. 

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Jovanni Godina Jovanni Godina

How can a professional headshot help you and your business?

How can a professional headshot help you and your business? This blog will give you some of the many reasons why you need to either get or update your headshot image. 

There's a saying "a picture is worth a thousand words." So I ask you. Is your current headshot/profile picture saying the right words for you and your business? Does it say that you are confident, approachable, trustworthy, happy, professional or more? If not, you need a new headshot! There are many benefits to having a professional headshot I will list a handful here.

  • A great photo can create an element of trust.

  • People do business with people they know, like and trust. Having a great professional portrait can create all three.

  • It shows your potential customers, clients, employers, vendors and competitors that you are serious about your business and your personal brand.

  • ***“LinkedIn profiles with photos are viewed seven times more often than profiles with a blank box...” Making you more visible to potential customers, clients, and employers.

  • Keeps your brand & image looking fresh.

  • Can be used for all your promotions including but not limited to all social media sites, business cards, business website, brochures/fliers, newsletters, emails and public speaking bios.

  • It's an easy investment in yourself and your company that can have a big ROI.

  • It puts your “best digital foot forward”

  • Most importantly having a great portrait of yourself makes you feel great!

***Quote from a article by Meghan Casserly - 

Think of it this way. When you go to an interview, a meeting with a client, a demo/pitch to an investor, or a networking event, etc., how do you represent yourself? I would imagine it is with your best foot forward. You wear something that makes you look and feel confident, approachable, in control, and conveys that you know what you are doing. Why, then, would you not do the same with your profile photo? In today's society of limitless internet connectivity, we no longer have the luxury of our first impression coming from a face-to-face meeting. More engagements from potential clients, vendors, partners, competitors and others are happening through social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Your profile image will guide them to their first impression of you. And there it is! The reason you need a professional headshot: You need to “put your best digital foot forward.” The image you have on your profile right now tells those potential clients, vendors and partners whether you are confident, experienced, approachable, easy going and so much more. It isn't limited to your online profile picture either. Your business cards, promotions and website all convey your personal brand. Don't be the professional with a bathroom-selfie or an outdated 80's-style picture. Be the professional with a great headshot taken by an actual photographer that knows what he (or she) is doing. Do it so you can show everyone that they should be doing business with you.

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life, happiness Jovanni Godina life, happiness Jovanni Godina

Improving the quality of your life!

Welcome to the first blog post of Photography By Jovanni. Since I mainly focus my headshot business on business owners and business professionals (solely due to the area I live in) I would like to provide some material outside the realm of photography. This will be a wide range of topics spanning from happiness to what your body language is telling others. This is in effort to help anyone seeking to improve themselves and their business. I hope you enjoy the blog and find some useful information while you are here...  

Improving the quality of your life! Who doesn't want that? I know I am constantly striving to accomplish this in my day to day life. Making sure I am doing everything I can to find my happiness, joy, and life's passions. Everyday I try and wake up excited for the days adventure. Too many times we are caught in the day to day grind from the first light of day. We are bombarded with emails, phone calls, meetings, family things, traffic and so on. The list can go on forever. All of those become such a routine we don't even notice it affecting our overall happiness. Slowly they start to drain our life's battery. STOP! for just a few moments and close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Repeat! Then repeat again! Life is to short not to be happy. You and I only have so much time on this planet. Why not spend that time being happy? Click here to see a list of 20 Things You Can Do Today That Will Improve The Quality Of Your Life. I'll leave you with this quote about happiness. 

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” - Albert Schweitzer

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